Contact Us

We would love to discuss your pet sitter requirements. 

There are a few ways you can contact us.

We often find ourselves in rural areas without mobile reception so please leave a message or use the contact form if there is no answer.

Schedule A Call

Thank you for your interest in our pet-sitting services.

Let’s schedule a call to talk more about your needs and how we can help.

Click the button to see Jenny’s scheduler and slot in a time at your convenience.

Jenny & George at their computer
Jenny & George on a video call

Enquiry Form

Pop your details in our enquiry forms.

Let us know your dates, what area you live in and what pets and services you require.

We can then reply to any questions you have and also match you up with the perfect sitter (we have 3 teams).

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about us here.

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