House sitters near you

We provide a trusted house sitting and pet sitting service. We will love your pets and will watch over your house with great care.

Why do clients use our Pet Sitting Service over boarding kennels or catteries?

Apart from missing you, your pets will stress with a change of routine and environment. We can take better care of your pet in their own home. By sticking to their routine and they have their beds to sleep in at night. Plus we spoil them with love. This is what is recommended by the RSPCA.

Why do clients use our House Sitting Service over family and friends?  

It is a lot to expect of family, friends or neighbours and reliability is important to our customers. Our service not only ensures our clients’ homes are secure when they travel but they don’t need to impose on others.

“I would thoroughly recommend them to anybody; it makes going away so much easier.”- Helen our happy and repeat customer.

The about us page will give you an insight into our pet sitting and house sitting credentials. As devoted animal lovers, we provide a professional service for discerning clients.

Peace of Mind and Security

For your security, we provide you with thorough background checks.
This includes proof of identity.

Experian provides proof of our strong Financial Standing.
The UK Government DBS certificate shows our clean criminal Records (DBS certificate).

Our focus is on accident prevention. And we have insurance which is what you would expect from a professional service.
Our current insurer is Petplan. It covers custody of pets, public liability, professional indemnity and keyholder insurance. Our Insurance certificate is available on request by our existing customers.

Apart from being very experienced our team has formal pet qualifications. These include the Pet First Aid Certificate and Pet Grooming Certificate.

Contact us at Running Duck Pet Services to discuss your house sitting requirements. As we are a boutique business during certain times we have limited availability.

Pet Sitters Achieve Pet First Aid Certificate
Proud of Glenn, Running Duck Pet Services – Cotswolds, achieving his certification in Pet First Aid

We have a caring Cat Sitter Service and more information available here.

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