Cat Sitter Service

As Cat Sitters we can help if you want to enjoy a holiday away from home without worrying about your cats.

Our cat sitting service could be the perfect solution if you do not want to use catteries for your cat.

Your cat gets to remain in their home in their environment.  Your cat will have our ‘catstant’ attention showered on them.  We will send you updates.

We know that despite cats being stereotyped they do like human company.   Albeit this human companionship is on a cat’s terms.

Your cat sitter will stay in your home day and night (>20 hours out of every 24 hours) which is also called house sitting. This live-in service provides you with complete peace of mind.

As cat sitters we put our customer’s cats’ well-being, health and safety first.

If your cat is indoor/outdoor, we can keep tabs on your tabby.  We appreciate the gifts the outdoor kitty brings in and discreetly dispose of the gift.  We provide added interaction that indoor cats need.  For the anxious or aloof cat, we go out of our way to make connections and reduce their anxiety.

We know change is something that can stress out your kitty.  We will follow your cat’s routine.  Check their food and water intake.  Their litter trays will be well maintained.

For the young and the elderly cats in our care, we adapt to their needs.  This includes giving chronic medication.  We had an elderly cat customer that we carried downstairs and placed in the sunny spot every morning.  Of course, we are chief door/window open and closer too.

Peace of mind and security with cat sitters in the house

As professional cat sitters, we have Pet Business Insurance.  Pet Insurance Certificate is available on request by our existing customers.

We arrange online ‘meet & greet’ via video conference.  The majority of our customers prefer an in-person handover meeting before departure. 

Looking for alternatives to cat boarding?  And if you want your cat to have caring companionship contact us to discuss our cat sitting services.

Contact us today for a chat about our caring, responsible cat-sitting service.

Our local cat sitters cover Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Cotswold and Wales.

Cat Sitter Guide by Blue Cross Pet Charity by clicking here: ‘Boarding cattery and alternatives‘ opens a new window.

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