About Us

The first official house-sitting assignment for house sitters, Jenny & George was in September 2014.  Bella, a black cat needed our company; and Fiona wanted her home’ lived’ in while they spent time at their second home in Europe. George & Jenny provided house sitting and pet-sitting services on George’s retirement. After 4 years in the pet sitter business, the pandemic struck. Despite this, they continued to provide pet sitting to those that needed the service during these difficult times. Not once in all these years have they ever had to cancel a house sit and have always met their commitments to pet parents.  

house sitting the pug with doggles

About Housesitter

George Ives

Called a Dog Whisperer by others because of his special way with dogs, George is a retired printer. He is also a handyman and is able to undertake maintenance and identify potential snags in your home.   He is a qualified electrician and built our own home. George averted disaster at a housesit when doing his inspection rounds, as he noticed a bathroom extractor fan wasn’t switching off.  This could have led to a house fire, but his observance and swift action prevented this.  There has also been the odd slow leak in bathrooms that he has sorted out. Due to high winds, a tree was blown over and it took down the neighbour’s fence.  We were able to liaise with the homeowners and George felled the tree and arranged for the repair of the wooden fence.

About Petsitter

Jenny Ives

Jenny and George got married in 1995.  She grew up in rural Zimbabwe & South Africa and has experience with both domestic and farm animals.  Jenny, a practising Chartered Financial Planner is Chief Cuddler and Administrator for Running Duck Pet Services. Jenny coordinates the enquiries, diaries and bookings. When Jenny is not cuddling cats she is providing advice to clients at Perito Financial Planning on how to retire and stay financially fit.

House sitter hugs cat

Meet The House Sitter Teams

We are a family business. Originally from South Africa we are outdoor people who love animals. We are resilient and adaptable.

Glenn & Mandy with Jack

Glenn & Mandy Bauer

Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire

Glenn is a historical fiction writer and author of the best-selling novel, Warhorn – Sons of Iberia. Mandy is an online Events Executive for a Chartered IT organisation.


Merryl Leverington

Wales, Wiltshire & West Country

Merryl owns a health business but in order to spend more time with her UK grandchildren she has set up a base in Wales in addition to her main home in South Africa.

Ferry to Portugal

George & Jenny Ives

West Country & Portugal

George retired and to keep himself entertained started Running Duck Pet Services. Jenny helps with the administration and pet care duties.

House Sitting Experience

Since September 2014 we have collectively provided more than 2920 days of pet-sitting and house-sitting services across the South West of England and beyond. We have been asked so many times why we housesit.

The short answer is connected to our worldview.  Life is short, so how do we experience as much of it as possible within the confines of our circumstances?

We have an ethos of low-impact living and aspire to be true minimalists.  We choose organic produce in the hope that not only will the animals have a better life but that the environment is treated more sustainably and that farmers are paid a fair price for their produce.

Through house sitting we have sampled the laidback lifestyle of beachfront living; been the guardians of a priceless art collection in a modern conversion on the edge of the Dartmoor; smallholders at an Italian villa in the bucolic Devon countryside;  country folk staying in a Miner’s cottage in a small rural community; Eco-champions at a sustainable pad in North Devon; we have lived in villages voted England’s best place to live and we have stayed in a Devon Longhouse at a local brewery.

We have not had to choose one lifestyle since moving to England, we have been able to enjoy many.

To get in touch and secure your spot contact us

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