Hug Your Cat Day Today For A Happy Mood Boost

Have you heard of ‘hug your cat day’? The 4th of June is a day that cat lovers celebrate as it is an opportunity to show the world how much you love your cat.

Remember if there is no photo it didn’t happen.

House sitter hugs cat
Loving life looking after cats and dogs as a pet sitter

Do cats like to be hugged?

As cat sitters, we have loved many different personality cats.

I have noticed that most cats don’t mind a quick hug but not tightly. It’s their dislike of exuberant petting that gives them a standoffish vibe.

This is not the cat’s fault and it is down to how their bones have been knitted together. The easiest way for me to describe it is that they have a floating skeleton of sorts.

Can you hug your cat?

You absolutely can hug your cat but you should allow them to set the pace of those hugs. Remember that hugging your cat is more likely for your benefit.

Want to show your cat you love it?

Five Ways To Hug Your Cat through acts of love

  • Give it a little kiss.
  • Clean the litter tray.
  • Scratch Kitty’s head.
  • Get a box for Catty to play in.
  • Keep your cat company

Pet Days to celebrate

Have a look at for more days to celebrate your pets galore. There are a few fun national cat days to celebrate in June. If your cat is trained on a lead you could ‘take your cat to work’.

I can’t wait to share the real-life Garfield we cat sat on Garfield The Cat Day.

Do Cats Like to be kissed?

As a house sitter, I want to bond with our cats quickly and so I kiss them on their heads to show them affection. This mimics how they groom each other. You might also catch me whispering sweet nothings to them but I’m not suggesting you have to do this too.

Charles Dickens quote, ” What greater gift than the love of a cat”.

House Sitter hugs favourite cat

We dedicate ‘hug your cat day’, to Bella and all the cats we have loved and looked after during our time as house sitters.

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