Looking For Pet Sitters?

Looking for pet carers you can trust? We provide a trusted pet sitting and house sitting service. We will love your pets and will watch over your house with great care.

Happy pets are Pet Owners’ main concern. Our clients use our Pet Sitting service instead of agencies, kennels or catteries because reliability and control are important to them.  When our clients travel, they are reassured that through our house sitting service someone is looking after their home.

You can read more endorsements like this “I would thoroughly recommend them to anybody; it makes going away so much easier.”- Helen and from our happy and repeat pet owners here.  
The about us page will give you an insight into our pet sitting and house sitting credentials. As devoted animal lovers, we provide a professional service for discerning clients.
For your personal security, we provide you with proof of identity through Gov.UK Verify Service. Independent third-party verification by Experian of our clean Criminal Record and strong Financial Standing. 
Understanding your house sitting requirements and your pets’ routine helps us to keep them happy and safe.  We also discuss your preferred disaster responses with you in detail.
Accident prevention is key, but in the event of a misfortune, we are fully insured, which is what you would expect from a professional service.
Our insurance covers us for dog walking both on and off the lead, temporary care of domesticated farm animals including poultry, public liability cover, transporting pets, and keyholder insurance.
Contact us to discuss your house sitting requirements and our availability.

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